Weirdness Flows: The Albums

To round things off, after ranking all of Dinosaur Jr's songs individually, I'm going to consider their work by album. Obviously, this has been done several times before, for example by Stereogum , , (J's own ranking) and Glide . There's a summary of these other lists below. Before I did any spreadsheet calculations, I wrote down my 'gut feeling' order - after all, albums are often more (or less) than the sum of their parts. As it happened, the mathematical outcomes* matched my original list - and they helped me clarify a knife-edge judgement between my 4th and 5th place. *It wasn't especially complex: the no.1 song got 171 points (171 being the toal number of tracks); second place got 170, and so on. I then did an average score for each LP. I've included this score (in brackets) so you can see the gaps between them. 12 Sweep It Into Space (2021) (70) There's no such thing as a bad Dinosaur Jr al...