Weirdness Flows: The Songs of Dinosaur Jr (101-110)

110 Does It Float Dinosaur (1985) Opens with a busy, spindly guitar line that alternates with some frantically astringent strumming - over which we get a vaguely disturbing, abstract lyric: ‘The rain has washed my dog with fear… the toads are running free.’ Halfway through, it explodes into some abandoned shrieking, pauses for a brief passage of proggish guitar picking (reminiscent of mid-70s Rush) before it collapses into cacophony again. Packs a lot into less than 200 seconds. 109 Gotta Know Hand It Over (1997) A laid-back, meditative track that feels a little bog standard until it kicks in just after the two-minute mark with an anguished blast of keening vocals and an urgent, gritty solo. Thereafter, it drifts along dreamily. It’s not a song I’d previously paid much attention to, but with repeated listens, it does get under your skin. 108 I Told Everyone Give A Glimpse Of What Yer Not (2016) Driven by a persistent, cascading arpeggio, it sta...