Weirdness Flows: The Songs of Dinosaur Jr (21-30)

Before we head into the top 30, a quick note... Along the road, inevitably, I've had quite a few comments along the lines of, "What?!? xxx should definitely be in the top 5/10/20'' etc. Which is only to be expected and is absolutely fair enough; I expect I'd be saying exactly the same sort of thing if I was reading someone else's list. One other type of comment that has cropped up frequently, however, has been the suggestion that I must have 'come to the party late' or 'clearly only got into the band in 20xx'. Whilst I do sort of understand how some might come to that impression, it's not actually true. I fell in love with Dinosaur Jr in the summer of 1989. I was a student who needed somewhere to crash for the summer, and ended up staying in a friend-of-a-friend's room. He had an impressively large record collection, and so I bought a stack of C90s and set to taping: Bug and YLAOM were among the first LPs I copied, and tha...